bamboo pieces

2014-15: mixed media assemblages

bamboo, vellum, glass, sycamore branch

bamboo, metal grate, ceramic tile, spikes

bamboo, vellum, glass, sycamore branch
up a thousand, thousand flights of stairs

 Inspired by the poem “By a Different Road” by poet Lancaster City Poet Laureate Chris Longenecker, I selected her phrase “up a thousand, thousand flights of stairs” for this art piece. We take stair flights, over and over, often having no idea what will await us at the top. Nor do we often comprehend why we are drawn to yet another flight.

The flights of fancy in the life of Chris Longenecker have led to countless refugee friends, botanical gardens, theater and a husband, not to mention delightful poetry–both published and recited.

Cheers to our Lancaster City Poet Laureate and to the discoveries!



bamboo, metal grate, ceramic tile, spikes
we are not too old and it is not too late. Rilke





A Community Process